Kate Dickerson
Needlepoint Collections
Stuffed Animals, Shaped & Stand-ups
Click any photo for complete info
. 8¾ x 9, 18 mesh #PL-513 May be stitched as a square, or stitch the cat alone, to be finished as a stuffed stand-up
. 8¾ x 9, 18 mesh #PL-512 May be stitched as a square, or stitch the cat alone, to be finished as a stuffed stand-up
. 4¾ x 4¼, 18 mesh #SST-263
. 6¾ x 6¼, 18 mesh #SST-264
. 4½ x 5¾, 18 mesh #SST-265
. 6 x 5¾, 18 mesh #SST-262
. 4¼ x 4, 18 mesh #SST-261
. 3½ x 4¾, 18 mesh #SST-257
. 7 x 5½, 18 mesh #SST-258
. 6¼ x 5½, 18 mesh #SST-256 Stitch guide available from Elaine Aidonidis
. 5¾ x 8½, 18 mesh #SST-259
. 5¼ x 7, 18 mesh #SST-260
. 7¾ x 9¼, 18 mesh #SST-335
. 10 x 8, 18 mesh #SST-336
. Lilly-inspired original design 15 x 14¾, 13 mesh #SST-244
. 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-22
. 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-24
. 7¼ x 11½, 18 mesh #SST-331
. 9¾ x 8¼, 18 mesh #SST-332
. Browns with reds & gold 7 x 8¼, 18 mesh #SST-45
. Pinks with limes & gold 7 x 8¼, 18 mesh #SST-44
. Blues with greens & gold 7 x 8¼, 18 mesh #SST-43
. Multi brights on black 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-16 ***BEING DISCONTINUED - LIMITED STOCK
. Multi brights 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-15
. 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-18
. 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-17
. 12½ x 7½, 13 mesh #SST-19
. Red, white & blue (facing right) 14½ x 14, 13 mesh SST-246 BEING RETIRED - LIMITED STOCK
. 12½ x 7½, 18 mesh #SST-27
. 12½ x 7½, 18 mesh #SST-28
. Available exclusively at The Osterville Needlepoint Shop 12½ x 7½, 18 mesh #SST-262
3-piece set 5 x 3½, 18 mesh #SST-06
5¼ x 12, 13 mesh #SST-07
5¼ x 12, 13 mesh #SST-08
10 x 4, 13 mesh #SST-02
10 x 5, 13 mesh #SST-01
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-03L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-03R
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-01L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-01R
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-02L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-02R
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-05L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-05R
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-06L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-06R
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-04L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-04R
Pointing left 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-07L
Pointing right 4½ x 5½, 18 mesh #CB-07R
© 2013-2025 by Kate S. H. Dickerson/Kate Dickerson Needlepoint Collections. All rights reserved.